速報APP / 娛樂 / Nerd Jokes

Nerd Jokes





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



Nerd Jokes(圖1)-速報App

These jokes don’t just poke fun and Nerds/Geeks (yes you!) but are generally just jokes about geek topics e.g. computers, the Internet, phones (not android obviously!). Enjoy

*Think you’re funnier; then submit your own jokes for inclusion in the app and get the credit too.

*Warning, these jokes contain swearing and topics of an adult nature and as such are intended only for grown ups. Please do not download if you easily offend you will only get upset*

*New jokes added weekly

*Submit your own joke for inclusion in the app.

*Move to SD card (android 2.2+ only.)

*This app will remember were you are up to even if you turn off your phone or update the app

*Share with SMS/Email

Nerd Jokes(圖2)-速報App

*Random joke button

*Hold the left arrow to go back to the start

*Hold the right arrow to go to the end

*Link to developer’s other apps in the market

*Change the size of the text

*Change the color of the text

*Change the style of the text

*Change the background

Nerd Jokes(圖3)-速報App

*Rate the app

Examples of what's inside (jokes are not censored in the app):

""Apple iphone 4 users have trouble making calls"

Thats because they have no friends to ring"

"What does JFGI stand for????

Never mind, I've googled it."

"If at first you don’t succeed; call it version 1.0"

"I started my new hoverboard business just this week. Opened the factory and got production going.

Nerd Jokes(圖4)-速報App

Just need the product to get off the ground now"

Nerd Jokes(圖5)-速報App